I'd say we're feeling very much on holiday again here in Pipa, beach, pool, shops, meals out, strolling around in the sun aimlessly. The only concern I have is this language divide which cuts Carla off from us no matter how we try. You can only get so far with a phrase book and gestures.

Gareth, Caroline and Sean decided to stay out for a beer after our meal out yesterday night whilst I and Carla went home with the children. Carla's angst was obvious and she refused to go to bed. Thankfully the Internet began to work and we utilised Google Translate to its full potential.

All the barriers melted away as Carla and I could finally communicate. She was worried about the others being out as foreigners in a strange town and felt it too dangerous for them. She was also sad as she knew much of the history of the town and could tell us nothing. Amongst these discussions back and forth in English and Portuguese, we also managed to become Facebook friends which helped to break the ice too. God I love the Internet!
The others arrived home unscathed and Carla and I could finally retire to our beds. Carla even kindly offered to take the girls home tonight so I could stay out for a drink - so thoughtful. She still insisted on waiting up for us though!

We have used Google Translate a fair bit today to get across our plans and tomorrow we all swim with dolphins??!! Gareth, Sean and Caroline have already experienced this and were all up at the crack of dawn today to swim with them at a beach a little further away. They say it was amazing how close to shore they came and want the rest of us to come. Carla I and the girls have had a lie-in and when the others arrived back we spent the rest of the day by the pool. It's nice to have a lazy day.
So I'm looking forward to tomorrow although we have to leave in the afternoon to go back to Joao Pessoa - but not before visiting the worlds largest cashew tree on the trip home. Obviously this is on most peoples 'to do' list on any holiday. Swim with dolphins - check, see worlds largest cashew tree - check....
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