Needless to say it was back for a swim, lunch, sleeping and reading then out for excursion number two of the day which was a jeep ride out into the wilds.
This was the first outing we'd shared with anyone other than our guide - a nice enough Brazilian couple. The two highlights of the day were Raoul wading into a stagnant pool of water, risking the wrath of the Mummy Gator and bringing out a baby one and letting us hold it in turn! He then tapped up its mouth for safety. The second highlight was a lovely raccoon spotted in the dark on our way home.
The journey back was one in which we had to smother ourselves in insect repellent as the mozzies were out for dinner and it was best to keep your mouth shut as the insects battered our faces speeding home like little squishy bullets. Back to the lodge for dinner and an early bed as was our new custom.
The following day Gareth and Erin chose to get up at dawn with Raoul who rowed with them out in a canoe to see a beautiful sunrise (I'm told - I was sleeping because I'm sensible).
Then after breakfast all of us went out in the canoes again but a different route to the first time, dragging our boats strenuously through swathes of water lilies which was hot work. Our dip in the pool before lunch was even more welcome.

I think we caught roughly eight fish in all and then it was time to head home for dinner but not before feeding the piranhas to the gators at the edge of the river which was an awesome sight!
The next was our last morning in the Pantanal which was mainly spent packing and in the pool. We sadly said goodbye after lunch (though I wasn't sorry to say goodbye to the bloody Mosquitoes who had feasted on Gareth and I). Raoul accompanied us back to the airport and it was off to leg four of the trip. Joao Pessoa where Gareth's father lives. Have we really only been gone two weeks?
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