Wednesday, 18 April 2012

10 things to do before I die

Well, actually 1 because I havent thought of the other 9 yet but when I do you'll be the first to know.

Number 1: Learn Spanish

Language (or the lack of it) has been a real issue here. I'm very envious of the way Gareth has picked up bits and pieces and is always opening his phrase book - never afraid to try to converse with a waiter or a taxi driver. He will sit patiently and repeat back words he doesn't understand or suddenly respond with an entire sentence while I just look on in complete bewilderment. He always seems to get his point across.

Whilst any Portuguese spoken to me is met with a stupid and childish blink as I desperately try to remember the only phrase I know 'Eh na faller Portuguese' (I don't understand Portuguese - I've spelt this wrong of course but you get the general idea). Oh and I can say 'yes', 'no' and 'sorry' too which is about my lot. It does make me feel like a kid whose language skills aren't developed yet and I stare longingly at the grown ups wishing I understood. It does put you at a disadvantage.

Now I realise in Brazil they speak Portuguese and not Spanish but I just can't see Portuguese being very useful in my lifetime. We read a prediction somewhere that within the next 100 years there will be only 3 languages left in the World:- English, Mandarin and Spanish. As the world gets smaller with the Internet etc, people may find they need to communicate more effectively and apparently only the most widely used languages may remain.

So I figure Spanish is the one for me. It would have helped us here in Brazil as some of the words are similar and many Brazilians are taught it at school. If it was up to me I would ideally like to learn German (though some people aren't fond of the sound of it) as I took it at GCSE level (and failed miserably) but at least I'd have a basic grounding. But unfortunately I can't as German as a language is going to die out you see. Sorry Germany, it's not my fault your language is gong to disappear - I don't make the rules.

And I'm quids in with English obviously as I already speak that language! Woohoo! Well, y'know...more or less. So Spanish lessons (before I die) are a cert, probably...

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