Patrick, Gareth's father, some years ago married a Brazillian lady named KeKe. Two years ago they moved to Brazil to open a Pousada which is much like our bed and breakfasts in the UK in the small city of Joao Pessoa which is the most easterly point of the Americas.

We flew in and arrived at Pousada O'Neill at about two thirty in the morning. We were forced to turn down the kind offer of sandwiches and drinks and retired to our quad room.
It's a lovely, clean and well run establishment and it was good to see everybody again.
The next morning we walked for an hour along the beach to where the beach bars are with Patrick. There were once such bars on the beach right by his Pousada but because of some sea turtle preservation, sadly all the local beach bars had to shut which has affected Patrick and KeKe's business.
A seafood soup and rice at a bar some distance away, we returned to escape from the sun - again fretting about the children's skin - even in sunsuits.
Gareth's brother Sean and his girlfriend Caroline arrived the next afternoon after a few days in Rio (we had spent the morning at a couple of air conditioned mall's!). It's so good to see them.
We've met so few English speaking people here that to have a conversation in fluent English is refreshing. Not only that, but although everyone at the Pousada are so kind and well meaning, the fact that their English is minimal and our Portuguese is even worse means that it's difficult to communicate our plans for our time here. But we get by.
The next day our family, Sean, Caroline, Patrick and KeKe went in a van touring all the best beaches in the area. We spent a brief time on about six (?) in total but a couple of hours on about two for a swim in the sea and lunch. It was an enjoyable trip which was really more of a taster to see where we may like to go this fortnight.

The plan now is to go to Pipa for a few days to a surfers beach.
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